Not just any old food.....SHORTBREAD cookies and scones with marmalade!!!! Lanny has been cooking, and he brought some goodies to share. Another good reason to be at weaving on this snowy Tuesday.
Yes, we had snow flurries all around us, but it wasn't laying. So, come in out of the cold and have some coffee and shortbread and spend the day with your weaving friends. Life is good!!!!
Pat is back from the holiday at the beach with the family (i.e. grandsons!) and is hard at work on the mug rug warp. (Did I hear we need 125?)
Carl is threading that wonderful warp for rag purses, and we should be ready to start on that by the first of the year.
Ila (almost hidden in the far left) was hard at work on that beautiful lace warp, and Jim was in a deep conversation with Lanny over Center business. I wish I had a close up of Lanny's scarves on the loom! They are lovely to see AND touch!!!
Tina is putting the multi-colored warp on Bessie, and Ann has made great gains on her blue jean rug. Allan is sleying the reed on the rug warp on his loom. (There was some definite muttering going on, too!!!)
Carol was working with Nada on her first project. We have a new weaver!!!
Bonnie was at the warping board talking to a tangle in the threads......I really didn't want to eavesdrop!
Lanny, Tina and Carol got the display up and going at the Homespun Craft & Antique Mall in Knoxville. Now we all need to keep busy and keep it well supplied!
But, the day was not finished until we took our annual Christmas picture:
Now you know why we only take ONE a year!!!!
Happy Weaving!
I got that warp done and off read to dress the loom. Good picture. We are a fun bunch.
That is a great photo! I miss you crazy guys!
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