s I left last week, I was going to NC to visit my daughter and grandchildren. Had a blast. My daughter had her XX birthday on Friday. Lily had her 3rd(going on 10) birthday on Sunday. Kayla is 5( going on 18). Her birthday is not till June. On the way I realized I forgot my camera. I took some with my cell phone. But, I don't know how to get them off. Well, I just have to take an hour or so to play with it and figure it out. Not simple like my other older phone. So no pictures of the grandaughters right now. We took my little girls with us instead of boarding them. $$$$ Anyway they did wonderful on the way down. On leaving, the older one, red- Maggie was a rescue dog about 8 years ago, started acting really weird. She would try to get into the front seat. Her size--big--- I could not get her into the back. Finally, I did manage to stand on my knees and turning to the back of the car, pull her rear end back and up to the seat. She was shaking and shaking. I could not get her to calm down. In this picture the younger girl-Emma, laid her head over on Maggie to comfort her. I thought it was soooooooooooo cute. They are both Aussie's. My babies.
On to the weaving of today. I have not done much since last week. My Handwoven magazine came while I was gone. So I got to reading it and noticed the stuff had doubleweave in it. So I had to read and look at it. Then my new weaving software came too. Had to install it and play. I did get to winding the warp, but not much.

It is a beautiful warp. All the colors. I can't wait to get it onto the loom.
I just now go to my weaving studio. My sister called and I had not talked to her in a week. So we talked for 1 1/2 hrs while I made some cabbage soup. Then I went out into the yard to enjoy some of the sunshine we have right now.
My plan for the day was to start the soup in the morning, download the pictures and finish winding on the warp. Oh, well. My sister really needed to talk. Sometimes we have to be there for others in need. She lost her lap cat 2 weeks ago and then her son moved away with her grandson. She is a bit depressed.
I will leave you with this thought. On the Today Show this morning, Ann Curry did a piece on the question that she is asked the most. Her question was "how does she find the balance in her life"?
Answer-simple "Doing something you love at least once a week". I am so lucky to have weaving.
HAPPY WEAVING Weavers! Bonnie
I hope Maggie is doing better!
Did you get any ideas from Handwoven that you are going to incorporate in this project? Can't wait to watch the progress.
Some dogs just do NOT like riding in the car! That's just the way it is. I'm glad you took the time to talk with your sister..."sisters are the flowers in the garden of life." And, weaving is our BLISS, right?
I always make time to talk to my sister and Mom. We generally talk for an hour each time! I figure it's time well spent esp since they live 2000 miles away! I'm just glad I have a sister and Mom!
Weaving does balance our lives. If I'm not in my studio every day, I miss it immensely. I've got stacks to do down there and just getting to chip away at it a bit at a time is great! Of course, I keep adding to the list as we all do....
Tina, yes I did get some more ideas from Handwove. Pg. 30. But I am still doing my thing. You are suppose to have different colors for the warp for the differnet laywers. But I am donig the warp all that verigated. We shall see. It is so exciting to see what will come.
Oops, I need to type slower or learn to spell.
Spell check is your friend! You need to watch out for warping lawyers! :-)
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