....not rain, nor snow, nor sleet shall keep us from our looms!!!! Yes, despite the gloomy weather and the snow/sleet, we had a good crowd at the Center today. Even Wally was excited about being with all his weaving buds!
Our carpet warp had arrived, and Tina found some floor space to store it for the meantime. And, those of us who had ordered got to bring home our spools for future projects.
Carol is working with our "not so new" weavers; planning future warps and answering questions. Ann finished wrapping her warp, chained it off, and sat down at a floor loom (first time!) to weave off the remainder of the warp that's still there. Maybe next week it will be ready for her new warp.
Elsewhere, there were other conferences going on about projects and plans. Allan, Maggie, Joyce and Carl all had things to discuss.

Pat is in her "stash reduction" mode. She is making short work of that rug warp using up bits of fabric rolls. And the resulting rugs are just beautiful! Tina is almost finished with the rug repair project. Carol brought her sewing machine to sew down the denim strips that Tina has basted down. Only one needle broken so far!
We did get some work done today! I'm glad those rugs are repaired and ready to go back to their home! Tina did an awesome job getting them ready for me to just sew the end down! Always glad to have strips woven into rugs. Once we're down a bit less we're going to have to get busy and cut more strips to keep the rug people busy! Allan's using a big cone of about 10 fine threads wound together that he's using double for his rug. You'll have to get a picture of it for next Tuesday because it is awesome!
I sm glad that some people had a productive day. Then there was me---whatever I tried to do seemed to be wrong, wrong, wrong. I refuse to let it get the best of me. All seemed to have a good day.
What a wonderful busy place! And yeah on the carpet warp!
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