Friday, November 16, 2012

Picture Pages

The big breakfast before we set up the booth for the Foothills Guild Craft Show!

Our two wonderful servers, Vicki and Pauline.

I had planned to take some pictures during the whole setting up process, but ummmm, that did not happen!  So here are a few shots of the booth.

It looks much better this year, it doesn't resemble a craft explosion.  Experience is a wonderful teacher.  Lou Ann and I manned the booth today and Ann was the resident weaver on the placemat warp we have on the Baby wolf.

Until next time, Happy Weaving, Tina

(P.S. this is the second time I put this up today, just push the wrong button and it all disappears!)


LA said...

We were busy most of the day...and we met a lot of really great people!!!

Bonnie said...

The booth looks great. Who made the mobius shawls? They look very nice. I am sorry that I could not get there. Hope that the sales were good.