When I brought the cactus in, I was surprised to see that they were all setting buds. So much for Christmas cactus....these must be just November cactus!!!!
The poinsettia plants crowded around the sliding glass doors in the living room...I wonder if they'll drop all their leaves again? This year they are already starting to turn colors...they usually wait until later.
I've turned the dining room table into a staging area for the other Inkle looms. The ones from the Center needed to be cleaned with Howard's and I'm making heddles for them. Each loom will also get a guide thread. Tina brought me her two looms with heddles already attached....thank you, Tina!!!
I was also able to finish the shawl made with thrum art yarn!
I liked the pattern so much that I started another one with some rainbow boucle that I found at JoAnn's. What a fun pattern to crochet.
I'm not starting anything else new!!!! I'll be working on finishing up a few things in time for the show.
That doesn't mean I won't be tempted to start something new. It's nice having something to work on in the evenings.
Happy Weaving,
My Christmas cacti are all in bud, too! I love those shawls, especially the neutral colored one. Good work!
I love the Inkle project, that should be a fun class!
What beautiful shawls.
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