It was a long week at work, but a few exciting things happened. The Tennessee Truffle guy came and Joseph chose $1000 worth of truffles. See those black nobby things on the scale? Yes, friends! That's $1000 worth of TN Truffles! As Joseph would say, "Woooooo!"
And Florida strawberries are in! Now it's my turn to say Wooooo! I am so very tired of pears, apples and nuts! I made a big batch of strawberry jam to put in a dessert. Ah, the smell! So delicious!
I wove a little this week on the lace curtains, but not so you'd notice. 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4. Over and over and over again. Nice to have something boring to weave, but really, really boring. As is the placemat warp at the Center, all tabby, all white warp. Sounds like I'm complaining, and, okay, there was a little whining going on yesterday! I long for one of the new weavers to finish their table loom projects and jump on B to finish it up!
LouAnn has some crazy idea about me and the 60 inch 12 shaft making a Lee's Surrender, full size, and I'm actually planning it while I cut and throw white strips across the warp on B. It sounds like fun, in a terrifying way!

I've written before about my poor sister's sad lack of a sweater made with yarn she bought eons ago, even mentioned how she had secretly learned to knit, picked up the first version of the sweater and started knitting two years ago. Well, that version was completely frogged last summer. I found out Liz was coming to visit at the end of January, so a week before she got here, I found a pattern and started knitting. I've always been in awe of Stephanie Pearl McPhee's amazing knitting speed, making a pair of socks a month, along with a sweater, baby blankets and hats. So I thought I'd see how fast I could make a sweater. Three weeks is the answer. Here it is, drying on the rack, sleeves below on the lower shelf. I still have to sew it together, including scary steeks for the sleeve openings, but the knitting is done, except the collar. It looks HUGE, but she likes big sweaters, so fingers crossed she likes this one.
And now I'm inspired to knit more, working on Faux Isle socks and an old Chanel-like sweater jacket. Hope to have photos next week, but doubtful of their finishing by then!
Weave on, friends!
I'm so glad you are already planning that coverlet....it will be a beauty!!! Bravo for you and your knitting!!!! It's sooooooo nice!
That is a beautiful sweater. The strawberry jam smells wonderful!
Oh, your sweater rocks! What a speed demon! This, on top of all the weaving AND a full-time job? Do you ever sleep?
A thousand dollars worth of Tennessee truffles. Sounds like poetry to me.
Boring? No way!!!
First, I've never seen $1000 worth of truffles before.
And, I am so impressed and bowled over with the speediness of finishing a sweater in 3 weeks. That is amazing!!!
Can you see Leo below the rack? He and Weftie were trying to figure out how to get on the rack. Weftie made it; Leo didn't.
Oh Maggie, I can almost smell those strawberries! WOOOOO , I agree, truffles. Yum. That's a pretty heady price though a little goes a long way.
Love the sweater. I have one of those marinating...it's been a couple of years now and the guilt is beginning to move me towards dusting it off and getting going on it again.
That sweater looks amazing, and in just 3 weeks too! I am impressed!
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