Just in case you haven't figured this out yet....we are a multi-generational group!!!! Jinx's grandson joined us for a bit today, and this gave Jinx some time to problem solve with Carol about her warp.
Notice that the door is WIDE open, too! That's because the sun was shining and it wasn't too cold outside!!!!
Beatrice's grandson stayed busy today winding the strips that Carol cut into balls. Just look at the size of that one!!!
This gave Beatrice time to work on her warp. She is in the process of sleying the reed.
Tina is a little under the weather today (Linda, too!) and just dropped by long enough to bring fresh eggs.
Although Pat had to leave before lunch, she took some time to admire the center shelves that Allan finished in the Annex. (I foresee a work day out there pretty soon!!!! All the tubs will need to be labeled with contents!!!!)
Andy's warp has not behaved it self!!! She's had a doozie of a time getting it threaded....but she was hard at work today tying on the warp!!!!
Ann announced that this was NOT the last rug on her warp! That warp just keeps on coming off the back beam! (I think she's already thinking about what will go on next!)
No picture of Cindy's socks today....but they were colorful! And, that napkin warp is also lovely!
Bonnie has about eight towels on the cloth beam, already! She's using just the off white for weft on this towel.
Lanny spent the morning winding his new warp, and Allan got some weaving done on the bread cloths. But after lunch, they moved the folding tables out of the hall into the front of the Annex. That sure frees up that space!!!
I guess that is what you call MANpower!!!!
You've heard of digging up dinosaurs? Well, Carl is making them into a rug!
Kristy wove on her Inkle loom most of the day, but took a little break to look at one of the weaving books.
Ms. Ila is tweaking her warp....she had some threads that were not behaving!
Kaylee's job today was to bag up the loopers so they can be stored in the Annex. That big box weighs about 200 pounds, so the loopers need to be put into more manageable bags so they can be cleaned and sorted. But, it was a beautiful day to work outside!
I hope your day has been beautiful, too!
Happy Weaving!
Notice that the door is WIDE open, too! That's because the sun was shining and it wasn't too cold outside!!!!
This gave Beatrice time to work on her warp. She is in the process of sleying the reed.
Tina is a little under the weather today (Linda, too!) and just dropped by long enough to bring fresh eggs.
Although Pat had to leave before lunch, she took some time to admire the center shelves that Allan finished in the Annex. (I foresee a work day out there pretty soon!!!! All the tubs will need to be labeled with contents!!!!)
Andy's warp has not behaved it self!!! She's had a doozie of a time getting it threaded....but she was hard at work today tying on the warp!!!!
Ann announced that this was NOT the last rug on her warp! That warp just keeps on coming off the back beam! (I think she's already thinking about what will go on next!)
No picture of Cindy's socks today....but they were colorful! And, that napkin warp is also lovely!
Bonnie has about eight towels on the cloth beam, already! She's using just the off white for weft on this towel.
Lanny spent the morning winding his new warp, and Allan got some weaving done on the bread cloths. But after lunch, they moved the folding tables out of the hall into the front of the Annex. That sure frees up that space!!!
I guess that is what you call MANpower!!!!
You've heard of digging up dinosaurs? Well, Carl is making them into a rug!
Kristy wove on her Inkle loom most of the day, but took a little break to look at one of the weaving books.
Ms. Ila is tweaking her warp....she had some threads that were not behaving!
Kaylee's job today was to bag up the loopers so they can be stored in the Annex. That big box weighs about 200 pounds, so the loopers need to be put into more manageable bags so they can be cleaned and sorted. But, it was a beautiful day to work outside!
I hope your day has been beautiful, too!
Happy Weaving!
I wish I could have stayed to help, but I am glad to see you all stayed busy without me! Yipee! the tables are gone! now we will be able to get the table looms out much easier!
Sorry I couldn't be there but you really don't want what I have! Hope to see you next week!
I missed you guys! See you next week!
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