I can say that we were a very quiet group as well, which is usually not the case! Let me show you a little of what is on the looms as of today.
Carl and Cindy are beaming a new rug warp on the old barn loom. Here is Carl at the reins! He is just getting ready to smooth out those threads, after a wind on.

I think that it will make marvelous Blue Jean Rugs!
Ila is churning out the mug rugs on the Wolf Pup that we used to demonstrate at the Foothills Craft Show last month. I believe she is doing 4 Mug Rugs per color.

While Lou Ann is doing Place-mats.
I have finally started winding on this pesky Bread Cloth warp, I was determined not to leave until it looked presentable!
And Allan has made great progress on the Annex addition! We will be ready to paint it when the weather will co-operate!
I know that I didn't get a picture of Andy today, she is putting a warp on for Pat to use for an upcoming workshop. We sure missed both Pat and Linda today, they are both in our prayers as they heal from their surgeries. The only picture I got of Carol was when I realized we were both wearing the same faded red shirt! " It's so comfortable", we both said!

As each one left we wished each other a Merry Christmas. As I now wish to you as well, from all of us Tuesday Weavers, to all of you, Merry Christmas, and Happy Weaving, Tina for all!
Our potluck lunch was fabulous!!!! YUM! And, although it was quieter, we did get a lot done. Merry Christmas to all!
We did get a lot done. Tina, you got the warp smoothed out. Looks great.
Man! You guys really got warped! I love them all!
Merry Christmas to all the Tuesday Weavers!!!!
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