Pinterest is like having online cork boards, to which you pin pictures of your favoritest things. It can be food, kids, arts and crafts, architecture, just about anything really. You can see what other people have posted to their boards and sometimes get ideas for things that you can really do at home!
I only have about 8 things on my boards since I am a total Newb. One of them is this cool ornament that you can make with plain globes and fabric pieces and of course Mod Podge. ( Which I continually call Modge Podge!) I had fabric already, so we needed a quick trick to Hobby Lobby, (with my East Coast Daughter, who is in town for the Holidays), where we picked up the ornaments (half price already!) and Mod Podge. Then home again, home again jiggity jig!
We raided the fabric stash, and each chose the fabrics we wanted. Then, armed with scissors, we began to cut the fabric in squares and strips. I chose fabrics that had many different colors and scenes already on them, so that I didn't have to do any matching of colors, though you can see that I did end up combining 2 fabrics on one of the ornaments.
Messy, messy, messy, but loads of fun. We used sponge applicators to apply the sticky stuff. Be sure to wear an apron or something protective, cause you will get in on your clothes and you will not be able to get it out again!

Then we hung each one on a shelf to dry over night.

I think they looked good already!
This one was a fabric with a farm theme.
My daughter did the next two ornaments. This one is a Silent Night theme.
I think it is going to take several more coats of the Mod Podge to really make them shiny, and my in Town Daughter says that we will need to let them cure for a couple of months before we can pack them away.
Here they are in their proper place!
Here is to a meaningful Christmas to all of you!
Merry Christmas, and Happy Weaving, Tina
That looks like great fun!!!! I might try that, too. Merry Christmas!
They are beautiful. Looks like fun also.
Cute! Have a wonderful holiday everyone at Tuesday Weavers. It's been great sharing 2011 with you all.
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