And so we did; we serged all those edges and cut apart all the rectangles. Mine have a few white rectangles that I wove at the end to help piece the others together. Two weavers haven't finished their pieces yet, so it will be another few months before it all goes together, but it felt good to have my part done. I'll deliver them tomorrow, my first time at Tuesday Weaving for several months. I'm looking forward to seeing my weaving buddies!

And while I was serging, I finished the edges on the first baby blanket. Heston Terre Busby will have a new blanket on Wednesday, when I deliver it to his dad, only back at work this past week. Bryan Wise Spannaus will have to wait until I can retie the wayward warp. I do love this pattern, and would like to try it again, probably in brighter colors with more contrast, so you can really see the stars.
Now it's back to day-off activities, like bread baking, floor cleaning and laundry doing! The skies are grumbling, the back yard is lake-like and the animals are all napping. Hmmmm... napping... my favorite day off activity!
Happy weaving!
You may need a row boat to get to the center tomorrow! I 75 at Heiskell is flooded. Did you see it on the news?
Yeah! I'm so glad you'll be with us tomorrow! Have you laid your panels out yet to get an idea of how they will look? The baby blanket is amazing! Did you use bamboo????
You are bringing the blanket for us to feel, see aren't you?
Yep - can't look at fabric without using your hands. And you do such nice work!
We've got a serger now at the center if you ever have the need of one. Karen donated it!!!!
Sure makes quick work on finishing edges on pieces!
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