Last Saturday after the Guild meeting, I took my panels out and laid them on the dining room table. I've played around with the arrangement....but I wanted to show you what I see. Maggie is bringing her panels to the Center on Tuesday, and I'll get to play some more. Once I have those two, I'm going to wash them and then I'll decide the finished size of the panel. Right now, I'm thinking I will crochet around the outside edge of each panel, then join them. A lacy little picot edge will probably go around the outside. We'll see.................
The crocus are popping up in the front flower garden....a bright spot of lavender in the dead leaves.
And the Lenten Rose has finally started blooming....another bright spot in the landscape.
I saw the first jonquil bud this morning. Don't they know we'll probably get another snow or two??? But, I sure do look forward to seeing them in bloom! I even saw several hyacinth blades poking up through the leaves. Those are my favorite!!!
I guess I'll add cleaning up the flower beds of leaves to my UFOs list.
But, I'm not putting away the jackets, gloves and scarves just yet. I know that Winter will still give us another blast, and I'll be stuck in the house again. It will give me a chance to work on that afghan.
Happy Weaving!
Spring is trying to peek through. Like to give it a tug and help. Good luck withe the panels.
I used to worry about the daffodils peeking out so early in the year, but then I figured out they knew what they were doing. LOL!
Those panels are fascinating! What color are you going to edge them with?
Hooray for crocus and daffodils! They have a type of antifreeze in them that protects them in the snow. Daffodils are my favorite spring flower!!
I love the warm temperatures and early flowers. We could get another blizzard in March! Winter's one last hurrah.
Oh my goodness...crocus? It's only February... and we are due for 12-14 inches of new snow tomorrow!
Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
Crocus, crocus!!! and we're getting snow, every day snow for the next week
just like last week. Show off! ;)
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