It's almost show time! We've got 30 days to finish up our projects and prepare for the Foothills Fine Arts Show the first weekend of November.
Bonnie's goal was to keep us running: that's one fine homemade banana pudding to encourage us to do our best. It worked for me!
Carl finished up another placemat and started another one today. He reminded me that he'll be needing more weft cut before too long!
Alyce is getting ready to warp this wolf pup with a new scarf warp. This will be one of the dyed bamboo warps from the stash. Stay tuned......
Charlotte has been busy at home....just look at those beautiful mug rugs ready to go to the show!
Betsy is making headway with her placemat warp. Those bands of color add just the right interest!
Anna's cloth will become a bowl cozy....she cut off the finished cloth so I can get started sewing! Thanks, Anna! That should make a few!
Katelyn is making great progress with her first warp. The twill patterns look great in her colors.
Marilyn is a happy camper!!! She's going to switch to the (new to us) wolf pup for her next warp. She has made a slew of placemats on the black warp, and she's ready for a change.
Sandi has started hemstitching her first warp. She said she enjoyed this part of the process.
Carol took a few minutes to tie off the fringes on Helen's scarf.
After rethreading her loom, Linda discovered that a few of the sections of warp were nearing the end!!!! Tina to the rescue: she chained off the remaining warp to be used as weft in later projects.
More warp is on order.........

A blast from the past: Marta with Wally!
We got word today that Marta is coming to Convergence next July!!! Yeah!!!! We haven't seen her in a long time, and we're so excited.
And, Maggie is also planning to attend!
I'm looking forward to seeing our old friends!
Wow!!!! What fun!
Once a kindergarten teacher, always a kindergarten teacher!!! You just gotta love the Very Hungry Caterpillar (and all of Eric Carle's books!!!!) make us proud!
Happy Weaving!
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