I need a lot more gravel to set the pavers in place, but I think I need to buy it from a place that brings the truck to my yard. Buying more bags isn't financially wise, it seems! This is 15 bags! And I can hardly carry them, so I want big burly men to deliver it to me. Next payday!
I've filled in the flowers in the flower bed next to it, and have decided that I've reached maximum capacity. I can't buy any more plants! No more room! I need to lay down the mulch and just sit back and enjoy it now!
As for the vegetable garden, the tomato seedlings went in yesterday, as did cantaloupe, cucumber and eggplant seeds. Lots of lettuce seeds, too, were put in as the rain began in earnest. It's beginning to look like a real garden, finally, but I can see I'll have to expand next year. This photo's not very good, probably because I was shivering! But with the tomato cages and bean stakes, the place looks like some verdant sculpture.
You'd think a single person wouldn't need a bigger veggie garden--at least that's what I thought--but I can see I should have made more space for vining things. I don't have room for pumpkins or squash. Maybe I went a little overboard on the eight varieties of tomatoes, though!
And then, there's the front yard. Now, just between you and me, I'm trying really hard to at least be in the running for the neighborhood's Beautification Award. The sewer guys decimated the front slope, but it was pretty full of weeds, anyway, to be honest, and I'm not sure what to do about it but weed whack it. The flower beds on either side of the sidewalk, though, have been a joy to create this year. I've kept the echinacea and yarrow and roses from two years ago and planted around them.
Well, I'm trying to get blogger to post the video I took of the front garden, and it looks as though it's having problems. I have to go, but I'll check back tonight to see if it works. Meanwhile, have a lovely, cool day, weaving, gardening or whatever else you want to do! --Maggie
Looking good Maggie!
What? You didn't plant any okra???? But, it sure is looking great....and Matt will love his rug. You just might get it done since we're in this cool, wet cycle this week.
You will have to have a garden party so we can all see when things get bigger. The rug is looking good, too! We are going to have to put up your picture at the center so we can remember what you look like! Come back soon.
Miss you and your mom at the center but understand when other things call on your day off. I want a taste test of the 8 varieties of tomatoes.
That will be a wonderful garden.
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