Now I'm in the process of weaving off the mug rugs (and I'm hem stitching) to donate for the goody bags for the Southeast Fiber Forum.
Uh-oh....I just saw a big ole boo-boo in this mug rug! I guess I'll have to keep that one! Wonder what happened there????
....the phone rang? interesting scene on TV?
....went to refill my coffee mug and forgot my place?? interruption?????
Meet the newest member of our family...Sweetie! I saw her all summer and fall out in the Green Belt hunting....and she did a great job on the field mice problem! When all that extreme cold weather hit in December, I noticed that she had taken shelter under my deck. I started feeding her on the carport, but it took until last week until she would let me touch her. I had already talked to my vet, and he told me to try and catch her and bring her in. I was thinking we would spay her....I wasn't really thinking about bringing her inside. But, we found out that she had already been spayed, and that she was a cuddle cat!!! So, she has joined the family (at least with me) and we are learning to live together. Cici and Zuzu aren't as taken with her as I am. She has used her best manners with them, but they don't deal well with change (they are both 14 years old.) There has been a LOT of hissing going on, but no fighting!!! Sweetie (that's the name I used when I would talk to her on the carport) is not quite two years old (vet's guess!) and is in excellent health. Now she has had all her shots and is a legal resident of the city. We won't have to worry about INS showing up!
So...back to weaving off the black warp and playing with the cats. I'll be a little more careful about that treadling order!!!
Happy Weaving!
Welcome, Sweetie! I'm relieved to not be the only TW with 3 cats! I really like the M&W, especially on the black.
Good luck with Sweetie. Hope that everybody else will take to her. Isn't it fun to do a pattern with different treadling options. They are very pretty.
I really love that black warp with all those bright colors. I have some already wound to do my mug rug contribution. I just need to finish that scarf on the 8 harness loom! Welcome Sweetie, I know you will love your new home.
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