Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Needs Must!

Look at this fine bunch of Weavers! They come every Tuesday, week in and week out, for 4 hours and volunteer their time to make woven goods to sell upstairs and all this to support the shop upstairs, the Craft Center and to make some for the weavers too so that we can buy more yarn to make more stuff!
I went to the cubbies that house our 8/4 cotton and found that I desperatly needed a cone of yarn in lt Jade by next Tuesday to begin weaving on a special project! So I approached Marie with the news, she wasn't too worried about it. She simply said that if she ordered yarn today it would be here by Friday!!! She took the trouble to check the shelves for other colors and she let the weavers in the room know that if they needed anything she would be putting in an order today. (If we order 100 cones of 8/4 we get the best price.)
Believe it or not we have Show and Tell today!!! Joycelyn brought in the yardage that she finished last week. She said that she had to wash the fabric 3 times and use several sheets of "color catchers" each load, til it the water was clear. Irene brought in her latest Krokbrag purse, she has even begun to inkle weave the straps she is using!
Linda brought in her latest towel project that she wove at home, there were several more towels that I didn't get photos. Then I brought in a spinning project that has been in progress for several months, it is from a Cormo/Jacobs cross fleece that I picked up who knows when and who knows where. It will be weft for a blanket project I am working on at home. Last but not least we had a visit from Pat, we are so glad that she was back with us today!
That is all I have for you today in the Studio, see you next week, until then this is Tina, for all!

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