Say "hello" to Victoria--our new weaver! She'll get to be the first one to use one of our brand new looms!!!
(Do you think Carol told her that today was "lime green" day?????)
Welcome to our community of weavers!

One of the teaching techniques Carol uses with new weavers is dressing a loom several times along with an experienced weaver. The more you do it, the more confident you get!
Helen wound her scarf warp, and she's ready to move to a floor loom. We got the Wolf Pup ready for her to use, and Carol enlisted Pearl and Judy to help her get the warp on the loom. The three of them will all learn together.
We're lucky in our weaving community to have some folks that like to do front to back when they're dressing their looms. Ray is one of those people.
Bonnie likes to warp front to back, also. Our new weavers can learn from these folks. There's more than one way to do most tasks!!!!
Carl warps the big ole barn loom front to back, too. But, it's going to be awhile before he needs to put a new warp on his loom.
After Marie helped Liz get started, she was ready to twist the fringes on her new scarf. She's starting to get her inventory built up before the Fall sales.

Linda started a new set of towels using teal this time. (These are a little easier on the eye!) That's the lovely thing about this pattern: change the weft color, change the towel!
Frieda reminded us that we all need more FIBER in our diet! Weavers live by that motto!!!!
As you can see on the right, Liz's warp is wound on the loom, and she's busy threading this afternoon. Alyce and Ms. Ila were just weaving away. BTW, Ms. Ila finished this shawl....guess she'll start another one next time.
Sharon had library duties today. Her
kindergarten skills sure come in handy!!!
Nope....this isn't a repeat picture! See Betsy back there???? That's a 13 yard warp on that board for more placemats!!!
This community of weavers is sending out a "thumbs up" to our friend Anna. We've got your back!!!
Happy Weaving!