Did you think I had gone AWOL? Or, maybe now you're thinking I have finally flipped!
Knitting? ME????
I know that Tina and Maggie are in shock, but, yes.....I'm knitting. (Not very well, as you can see....but, I'm knitting!)
It's all part of my Birthday Bash. Henry Ford said that "Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young." My plan is to stay young. I do so love this scarf pattern, and Marie helped me pick out these lovely bamboo needles. I found this yarn at the Smoky Mt. Spinnery on Tuesday (silk blend!) Now I am stretching my brain cells by relearning another fiber skill. (I have tried to learn to knit off and on since I was 10 years old....it just never took.) The scarf pattern may be the extent of my knitting attempts. Besides, it's a great rainy day activity.
Tuesday was spent with my sister... a drive-by to the Apple Barn to pick up apple butter, to Arrowmont and lunch with my son, and then the yarn shop (her first visit!) Lastly, it was Smoky Mountain time....a drive along the river is always a good thing. We stopped several times at the pull-overs and just got out to soak up the atmosphere.
Take a listen and see what you think:
Yesterday found us at the Knoxville Zoo. Two of the silver back gorillas gave birth this Spring to babies. As you can imagine, they have been very popular!

The babies are old enough now to cling to their Mommas when she moves around. It reminds me of when my kids used to stand on my feet and dance with me!!!! My daughter-in-law joined us for lunch at the zoo.
Yes, the birthday bash continues on................Maggie and I have another day planned for Friday! July will be over before I know it, and I'll have to get back to real life, again. But, this has been a fabulous month!
Just remember what George Bernard Shaw said,
Knitting? ME????
I know that Tina and Maggie are in shock, but, yes.....I'm knitting. (Not very well, as you can see....but, I'm knitting!)
It's all part of my Birthday Bash. Henry Ford said that "Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young." My plan is to stay young. I do so love this scarf pattern, and Marie helped me pick out these lovely bamboo needles. I found this yarn at the Smoky Mt. Spinnery on Tuesday (silk blend!) Now I am stretching my brain cells by relearning another fiber skill. (I have tried to learn to knit off and on since I was 10 years old....it just never took.) The scarf pattern may be the extent of my knitting attempts. Besides, it's a great rainy day activity.
Tuesday was spent with my sister... a drive-by to the Apple Barn to pick up apple butter, to Arrowmont and lunch with my son, and then the yarn shop (her first visit!) Lastly, it was Smoky Mountain time....a drive along the river is always a good thing. We stopped several times at the pull-overs and just got out to soak up the atmosphere.
Take a listen and see what you think:
Yesterday found us at the Knoxville Zoo. Two of the silver back gorillas gave birth this Spring to babies. As you can imagine, they have been very popular!
The babies are old enough now to cling to their Mommas when she moves around. It reminds me of when my kids used to stand on my feet and dance with me!!!! My daughter-in-law joined us for lunch at the zoo.
Yes, the birthday bash continues on................Maggie and I have another day planned for Friday! July will be over before I know it, and I'll have to get back to real life, again. But, this has been a fabulous month!
Just remember what George Bernard Shaw said,
"We don't stop playing because we grow old;
We grow old because we stop playing!"
At the rate I'm going, I should be starting kindergarten again!!!
Happy Weaving (and knitting!!!)
You're right, I am in shock, but how can you go wrong with silk blend yarn and bamboo needles! I saw the gorilla babies last week with the grand kiddos, too sweet!
Again, Happy Birthday month!
I wish I could jump start my knitting....Good for you though and that looks like lovely yarn to work with!
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