She's back.......and Carol put her right to work! Christy has been in New Orleans on business, but is back with us now. She's sleying the new painted warp on the Baby Wolf.
(And, there's a rumor that there is a Tuesday Weaver group down in New Orleans! Give us a shout out, OK???)
You can see Cindy doing a little repair work on one of the towels that she finished.
Linda is back from her vacation, too. And, the warp on the Studio Loom was waiting for her! She enlisted help from Marie and Betsy, and soon got that LONG warp wound on the back beam. Next will be time for threading!
Well....we didn't scare Patty off last week. She's back to take Carol's beginning weaving course. (She has woven before, but it has been awhile!) She stayed busy threading her new warp, too.
Ms. Ila and LaDonna were putting a new warp on her rigid heddle loom, too. These are some of the yarns that Tina and Marie were winding into balls.
WOW! That's a lot of new warps!
How about some "new" wefts? Carl took some blue jean panels home to it's time to cut them into strips. Cindy helped to feed the long panels through the rag cutter.

Linda got a lot done on the mug rug warp.

And, Bonnie just wove away on her runner warp.
Cheers could be heard today, also!
All the threading errors have been corrected, and weaving has begun on the coverlet warp. Maggie is getting quite a workout sliding from one side to the other as she weaves. LOVE that blooming leaf motif!

And, more cheers came from my little corner, too! Carol helped me lash on the warp (which improved the tension) and with the help of the temple....all is well with the new towel warp.

It sure is nice to have weaving friends....folks you can day dream with about future warps and looms. And.........people who think your socks are COOL!!!!! (And, Shirley....those are great socks!)
Happy Weaving!
(And, there's a rumor that there is a Tuesday Weaver group down in New Orleans! Give us a shout out, OK???)
You can see Cindy doing a little repair work on one of the towels that she finished.
Linda is back from her vacation, too. And, the warp on the Studio Loom was waiting for her! She enlisted help from Marie and Betsy, and soon got that LONG warp wound on the back beam. Next will be time for threading!
Well....we didn't scare Patty off last week. She's back to take Carol's beginning weaving course. (She has woven before, but it has been awhile!) She stayed busy threading her new warp, too.
Ms. Ila and LaDonna were putting a new warp on her rigid heddle loom, too. These are some of the yarns that Tina and Marie were winding into balls.
WOW! That's a lot of new warps!
How about some "new" wefts? Carl took some blue jean panels home to it's time to cut them into strips. Cindy helped to feed the long panels through the rag cutter.
Linda got a lot done on the mug rug warp.
And, Bonnie just wove away on her runner warp.
Cheers could be heard today, also!
All the threading errors have been corrected, and weaving has begun on the coverlet warp. Maggie is getting quite a workout sliding from one side to the other as she weaves. LOVE that blooming leaf motif!
And, more cheers came from my little corner, too! Carol helped me lash on the warp (which improved the tension) and with the help of the temple....all is well with the new towel warp.
It sure is nice to have weaving friends....folks you can day dream with about future warps and looms. And.........people who think your socks are COOL!!!!! (And, Shirley....those are great socks!)
Happy Weaving!
After all the delays and mistakes on that warp, it was a joy to weave on it, finally. I wish I could still be there, weaving away!
I had to smile at Maggie's coverlet,it is beautiful! Lou Ann, your towels are top notch too!
I am glad so manybare back, just sorry I was sick today and missed them! See you next week,
A day late and a dollar short. Missed you Tina. Get better. A fun and busy, busy day for all.
Hello, Tuesday Weavers. Mom and I met up with Eiko for lunch today, which ended up a hilarious lunch & Japanese sweets over almost seven hours. We laughed so much my face started to hurt about half way. We were also super impressed at your group's robustness and of your individual work. Keep up the good work.
And perhaps there is a giant popcorn party coming your way, though Eiko would kill me for letting the... kernels out the bag.
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