I have a show next weekend. So, this week it's all about how much can I weave yet that I can realistically finish before the show starts a week from Thursday! Don't you love it when you've got enough warp, well, maybe a tad more than you needed but you can weave all the way to the end of the warp! 
For this warp, I did some color sections and then wove with black. It's been a successful combination in the past and I did have a request for a top from these colors so I wove enough for a few again. When I have just a bit of warp left, like this time, I weave off the rest and save it with all my other scraps. When I have time, I sew jackets kind of patchwork style. I hope I have time this winter to do that again. I am about out of them!
In thinking about a last warp to put on the loom before my show, I couldn't decide between a more subdued color for winter or red. So, of course, I chose red. Then what colors for the warp. I didn't want to do a solid red this time. Instead I picked out six different colors from pale pink to hot pink and from peach to shrimp to brick. Weaving it all with red ties it together.
I've only just begun weaving this warp. Just one bobbin worth is done. I've got 2 lbs of weft wound onto bobbins and that's the project for today. That plus serging and assembling the fabric from the warp above it. I've already washed those pieces and they're ready to assemble. Guess I will be busy! Good thing I have some shows I taped on my trusty old VCR the last few days to watch while I weave!
Barbara commented on the post yesterday about Ann's loom, wanting more information on it. It's a rocker beater loom. The beater sits on a beam on the base of the loom and kind of looks like a rocking horse at the bottom. It's a very cool loom to weave on and the beater, altho massive, just swings back and forth. The harnesses are attached like they did on the old barn looms. Maybe we should post a picture of our old barn loom that is right next to it. Allan usually weaves on it and it's a massive old structure that weaves great rugs as well.
So, DD is recuperating slowly from her surgery. This one was more painful than the other one was. She is a trooper and, altho she really wants to get out and do things, she is being patient and doing what the doctors have told her she can do. One week down, about 3 to go before she can put any weight on that leg. The count has really begun! Physical therapy this afternoon again.
Outside in the last few days we've begun to see the leaves change. The dogwoods are getting pretty and some of the oaks are starting to show their colors. Guess in the new couple of weeks we'll be getting to the peak of color for down here!
I'm so glad therapy is going well for DD. You've gotten a lot of weaving done in the meantime...good for you!
Beautiful colors Carol! I know you have that Serger humming! LOL!
Beautiful weaving, all of it. The dogwoods are dropping their red leaves everywhere here now. A nip in the air at night, light frost many mornings but still warm sunny days with the bluest of skies.
Your color combination always amazes me. And they look so good! I am still learning about color combinations. Maybe one day.
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