Monday, November 23, 2009

"You wouldn't want a floor loom would you"

That is how it started with me. It was my Mom on the other end of the phone, all the way from California! To top it off the Loom was FREE! All I had to do was go to California, break it down and ship it. OK, go to California, not a problem, I was going in 3 months time anyway. Break it down, well I had never seen a floor loom before so that might be tricky. Finally, ship it, Daddy helped figure that all out. He made the calls and set it up.

The story goes that Lillian, my mom's dear friend, was getting along in years. She was wisely taking care of all the -giving away of all my craft things, so my family doesn't have to do it! She had sold the loom several years before, but the buyer never picked it up and she lost track of her. Lillian didn't feel good about reselling it, so after all was said and done, about 3 months later I had a 4 harness counterbalance floor loom.

While I was waiting for the loom to arrive, I checked out every book in the library I could find. I then saw a newspaper add about a group that met every Tuesday to weave and to teach others to weave. The rest is history! I did learn to weave that summer, but the friendships that have been woven together since then have been just as rewarding.
I thought you might want to see a pic of "Lillian" in the studio, she isn't alone in there. I now have 4 looms and 4 spinning wheels, but those all have their own story.

1 comment:

LA said...

Lillian is such an elegant "lady". Thank you for sharing her story!