Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Dye Day Prep and More Finished Warps

We have a dye day coming up soon and to get ready for it, we need to know what we need! Dana and Judith got together and pulled out all of the hand dyed warps and wefts that have remained on the shelves and they began to match them up. We also have some cones of colors that will work for some of the more difficult color combinations.
Laura finished a runner for a special order today. There is another warp that will be for matching placemats. It has taken us an unusual amount of time to get this order right! First there were mistakes in warp winding and then in weaving, but I think we have worked out all of the kinks and we hope to get this lovely project to our client soon! (Thank you for your patience!)
Rhonda finished her warp as well! As she was nearing the end of the warp she found that the outer sections were one round shorter than all of the other sections. She decided to cut them off and finish the warp a little narrower!
By the end of the day Susan also finished her towel warp! She has persevered over some pesky warp problems but she made it to the end!
Now it is time for "Show and Tell"! This week Dana brought in her first Overshot project, delightful mug rugs! Irene brought in her latest bag, she is getting used to a new heavy duty sewing machine and she likes it a lot! To finish "Show and Tell", Ray has brought in some books to donate to the Weaving library and he also brought in some projects that he had done using the books! Thank you Ray!
That is all I have for you this week. I expect that next week will be all about warp winding and maybe skein winding for new projects and for Dye Day and who knows what else I will find to show you. Until then, this is Tina, for all!

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