Tuesday, July 9, 2024

And Now They All Want One!

Elaine has finished the project on her loom and will be ready to wind a new warp next week. She and Erin also brought in a new and improved version of our beloved tractor seat.
Mark is weaving with a new fabric weft that has color stripes, he is alternating with a thin yarn and just look at what that makes! Oh and Pat is back on the barn frame loom today, we sure have missed her!
Patty is weaving this colorful warp with light grey yarn together with a very sparkly yarn, you will have to make the picture bigger to see it though. On the kitchen counter Shannon is bagging up some news Stick loom kits, and on the table is the inventory that was picked up from Cliff Dwellers this week.
It is time once more, for Show and Tell! Linda brought in a scarf that she wove using the Bumble pattern, and Joycelyn brought in her scrumptious towels that she took off of the loom last week. I think she said that the pattern repeat was 49 picks!
Patty once again wowed us with another top, this time it is a plainweave boxy shawl, and we were so happy to see Peggy today, she brought in several scarves she had made over the last couple of weeks.
I brought in a couple of really old magazines LouAnn and I found one day when we were looking at junk shops, and finally Mark brought in a couple of Sister rugs that he has recently finished. He calls them that because he made one for one of his Sisters and now that all want one!
Until next week this is Tina, For all!

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