Tuesday, May 26, 2020

New Normal

  This is the new normal, or what passes for that.  A peek inside the Studio kinda makes you sad.  We are so used to it being so busy and vibrant. 
  Carol and Alyce were planning a project this morning.


  Liz was working on her loom in the back corner.  You can see that the folding looms are still pushed out of the way.

  Warps still need to be wound.  Lou Ann was busy winding her next warp for her (new to her) loom.  Can't wait to hear more about her new project.

 Yeah!  Lunch time!  Ray joined us today with news from the Board.  Like many small businesses, we're finding new ways to stay afloat.

   It's like a round robin:  sharing news and weaving ideas.  

 We're even talking about a COVID-19 weaving project!!!

  Linda did a run of t-shirt rugs (shower mats.)  Her color choice for this one gave us some inspiration for our newest project.
.........more information later!!!

Make your new normal the best it can be.

Happy Weaving!

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