That phrase has something to do with the midday sun, right??? Well, I'm inside until the sun starts to go down a little! I worked on my flower bed this morning...oh, the humidity!!! I can't believe I let the grape vine, Virginia creeper and poison ivy get such a hold on that little piece of soil!!!! But, weeds aren't the only thing that just keeps growing! I love seeing the cacti and tiger lilies in their glory. Even my red yucca bloomed this year! The hummingbirds and butterflies are having a field day!
I've been weaving in the evenings after being outside during the day. The blue jean rug is done! And, since I've got a little time until we're ready to move the loom, I thought I'd weave a tote bag or two for the fall sales. I cut the weft last night for the next bag.
That reminds me....while I was weaving I watched a new BBC series on my Acorn account: Loch Ness. It's a mystery series set in Scotland. There's a new episode every week. INTENSE!!!!
The final season of Broadchurch has started on BBC America. That's another good one!!!! After your ears get adjusted to the accents, you will quickly get involved in the plot.
It's nice being back in the 21st Century...although there are still some glitches in my computer. It seems that malware had invaded my computer, but that still doesn't explain the problems with Windows 10. I've got a lead on someone to take a look at that. For now, I'll be happy with what I have. That was a long week with only the Kindle and my iPhone as my link to the cyber world. The good news is that I didn't buy anything online for a whole week!!!!
Happy Weaving!
Lovely rug LouAnn! The garden looks ready to become bountiful. :-)
That may be a watermelon!
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