Friday, September 23, 2016

Totally Unexpected Acquisition

A couple of years ago, I went thru a phase of selling off tools that I was not using.  I went from 7 spinning Wheels to 3 and I went from 7 looms to 3 as well.  It left me with an 8 harness loom, a 6 harness loom and a 4 harness loom, (I have since added a sturdy rug loom).  As far as spinning wheels go, I was left with a small "slow" wheel to take to the Museum and a "fast" CPW for spinning really fine yarn, and I also had the Hansen E-Spinner with it's incredibly large bobbins for spinning and plying large skeins.  I was, and am content with these three, all my spinning needs met.   (I am not counting spindles of which I have just a few and Charkha which I now have 2, which  are for spinning cotton, and yes there is the Great wheel, which is like a very big Charkha!)

That is not to say there are wheels that if I get a chance to purchase one at a good price I would, a sturdy double flyer wheel comes to mind.  I had one of those but it was too delicate for me, I want sturdy!   Even a lateral treadle wheel would interest me, especially if it had a peg that you moved from hole to hole instead of flyer hooks!  I was not looking to buy another Saxony wheel at all, I already had 2!

I was cruising around on Ravelry on Sunday in the "Working Wheels" group, on the "Wheels in the Wild" thread.  I shouldn't have been doing that, but I like to keep abreast of what is out there and current pricing, that info does come in handy.  I came across an add for a Country Craftsman spinning wheel complete with distaff and stool, though only one bobbin, at a really low price!  I though wow, that is really a good price for that wheel!  Then I noticed where the wheel was located, it was about 20 minutes away from me if traffic cooperates, so I made inquires.  Someone had already contacted them and they were negotiating. (about what I do not know)  I texted back for them to let me know if it fell through, and that I was very local to them.  (Inwardly, I was like whew, I'm glad someone else got it, cause I do not need it!)

Tuesday afternoon, they contact me to say that it is still available if I was interested.  We met just a few hours later at a local grocery store to make the transaction.  I mentioned right away that I would probably be taking the wheel to the Museum of Appalachia to demonstrate spinning, she exclaimed that her Mom would have loved that!

Her Mom had bought the wheel decades ago and that it had never been used as a spinning wheel, only as decor.  I assured her that I meant to use it to make yarn and that it would be well used and loved.  She said that the fact that I was local really meant a lot to her.  I said that I lived right outside of Oak Ridge.  She asked if I knew where Oliver Springs is, I replied that I lived just outside of Oliver Springs.  She looked at me and said that the wheel had spent the last 28 years in a cabin just outside of Oliver Springs.  We looked at each other, and I asked her what road, cause I have to tell you this place is not huge.  Turns out the wheel is coming back home, it will be about 5 minutes away from the cabin that it had graced for so long!

The Tuesday weavers have a tradition of naming looms for the previous owner as far back as we know.  With this in mind I asked her what her mothers name was,  she responded Duchess.  I told her of our tradition, and about how glad I was that such a lovely name would be perfect for this wheel.  By then we were both looking in vain for tissues!

 Again, this wheel had never been used for spinning, so she had never had a drop of oil, the squeaking was incredible!  I had to stop every couple of minutes to oil all the usual places.  She was stiff and uncooperative to begin with, but I think that after a couple of pounds of fiber she will get used to working for the first time in her life, an be a very good wheel to spin on.

I have put the fiber that I am spinning on a table that is some distance away.  That way when I get up to go get some more, I stop and reapply oil.

It was about at this point that we began to work well together, I will still have to use copious amounts of oil for many months to come for her to be nearly as cooperative as my other wheels, but we will get there.

I am going to use "Wood Beams" on her wood, there is hardly a scratch on her, she just needs a bit of a shine, and it is a non toxic wood nourishing product that has the added bonus of smelling good too!  I have heard this formula that I mean to follow, use it once a day for a week, once a week for a month and once a month for a year.  After that just once a year will do, she should be glowing soon.

Until next week, Happy Spinning, Tina

1 comment:

LA said...

Isn't she just the most adorable little wheel!!! I think it was just meant to be.