Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A Little Weaving!

  Harriet and Sharon were enjoying the view!!!  Yes, we just got our newest order of 8/4 (carpet warp) in today.  The first step is to double check the invoice, and identify the colors.

  Individual orders are then pulled out and bagged.  We just had a few people that ordered this time, so it didn't take too long.

  Now, we get to make room on the shelves for the new cones!  Tina and Darlene moved cones around and found a place for all the new cones. 

  Then Marie was ready to collect the $$ from those of us that had ordered. 

  The order Betsy placed from The Woolery also arrived.  After she got those goodies distributed, she was ready to work on the wool she planned on using for her new rug.

  Bonnie volunteered to help Carl cut the long strips for his newest blue jean rug.  It just goes faster when two work together!!!

  Harriet got the scarf warp threaded....now to sley the reed!  This bamboo scarf will be a 2-2 twill, so it needs to be sleyed 18 threads to the inch.  It's a good thing we have reed charts, right????

  Roz had a bit of a challenge getting her warp started.  Never fear.....it will all work out just fine!

  Carl took the blue jean strips back to the Barn Loom, and got busy on his newest rug. 

  Betsy's choice of rug wools worked well with this warp that Linda put on the loom. 
  Sharon got her template made for the placemats so they would all be exactly the same length.  It will save a lot of guessing!

    Just look at Bonnie and Ms. Ila..........they were giggling like little girls.  Of course, I had to find out what was so funny.....so, you'll have to ask Bonnie what she got for Mother's Day!!!!  And, in return, what she got her hubby for Father's Day!!!  It was good for a laugh all around!

Inside, outside, up-side down....Marie was back to trouble shooting on the Macomber loom.  She even went on the Macomber page on Ravelery.  The good thing was that their suggestions were what we had already checked......the bad news was that we had already checked!!!!

  Marie tightened the tension and decided to sample the different blocks.  It seems to be working!!!  She'll just have to be extra careful.

   The queen size coverlet woven by Kay Holtquist is for sale in the shop.  Carl donated the coverlet to help raise funds for the building addition. 
  Mrs. Holtquist was was a well know weaver of coverlets here in the East Tennessee area.  If you are interested in acquiring this lovely piece of history, please contact the AACC shop at 865-494-9854.

  On a different note.....a big HELLO to Carol in Molly at the Mid-West Weavers Conference.  We know you are having a great time!

Happy Weaving!

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