It's a dark, gray, drizzly, chilly day in east Tennessee. It's making my garden grow, though I'm beginning to worry about rotting tomatoes, but other things are happily sprouting. Have you ever grown an artichoke? I never! And here's a photo of my first, just perfectly formed and sitting on top of its thistly throne. It's so cute, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to eat it. Plus, have you ever prepared one? A half hour's work for five minutes eating, if that! I will definitely make it a regular in the garden, though. It's just too beautiful!
My first eggplant of the year has grown, I promise you, an inch each day since it started coming out of the flower bud. It will probably be ready to pick by Friday. I think it might land on the grill.
A volunteer in the hedge |
Blue Chiffon |
You saw my all-garden salad yesterday, and I do love my vegetable garden, but some other things are beginning to show their colors this week, in spite of the meteorological gloom. I'm beginning to understand that Southerners don't think Rose of Sharons are that special, but I still love them. I have three: one is in the hedge, a volunteer, and the other two I planted last year.
Hugely pink |
They're so cheerful, and they keep blooming for such a long time, invaluable on a day like today, and tomorrow, and the next day...

My landscape design teacher said that Crepe Myrtles are like weeds, and I took offense to that. I can't stop marveling at them. Their blooms are so heavy with all this rain, they can't be held up anymore. These are Tuckaleechee Pink and Natchez White. I have a Catawba Purple, too, but it's not in bloom yet.
They make the walk through the backyard so beautiful!

And though I love the colors outside under the drippy sky, I have been spending most of my time inside with white and natural. I have bamboo, tencel, Jagger Spun Zephyr and angora, waiting be made into colors of my choosing. I've been winding warps and skeins, dreaming of what they'll become. Pink and purple? Purple and gold? Borrowing Christy's beautiful plum-olive-ochre combination from her latest warp? The fun is in the choosing, so far. Time to get out my color wheel and figure some things out. Until then, I'll weave on the black warp, wind some more skeins and warps, and knit a bit, waiting for the clouds to clear up. Have a happy fourth of July, and happy weaving! ~~Maggie
You have to just look on the bright side: all this rain is sure making things grow! I sure wish we could share with the folks out west!
And what we wouldn't give for a few of those rainy blah days here in SW Oregon! :) But I know what you mean. Your garden looks lovely, full of happiness and color and shades of beautiful green.
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