Carl is getting ready to re-weave some rugs brought to us by folks who don't want to give the rugs up just yet. So, after the rugs have been washed and measured, we take them apart so the weft can be used again. Carl and Allen tag-teamed this old rug....Carl wound up the weft while Allan raveled it. That was just the first of many for the new warp.
While Carl was busy with the weft, Tina was busy on the warping mill winding the new rug warp for the barn loom. She split the warp into two sections, and Carl got that sleyed in the reed by this afternoon.
Next week, she'll be back on the mill finishing up the bouts for the towel warp. makes ME dizzy!!!!
Roz worked on the black place mat warp. This gives her the chance to work on a big floor loom instead of the table looms for a little bit.
Bonnie stayed busy sleying the reed on her project....she warps front to back!!!
Congratulations, Marie!
She wove some yardage (her first big project at home) to use for a vest.
They learn to weave....and they're off and running on their own!!!
Another lovely Tuesday (sunny, yet windy) to be at the Center.
Happy Weaving!
I did get the heddles threaded before I had to leave. Next week is time to wind onto the back beam.
I love the way you all help each other with the projects! Now that's teamwork!
Joyce, LA's sister
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