And, so it goes......warps are cut off the loom, and a new warp goes on the loom.
Pat cut off 20 place mats that were still on the cloth beam (and remember that 9 were cut off previously.) Then she and Tina got things moved around to set up the tension box and the thread tree. This is a sixty yard, all black warp which will start out using up our bin of partial cones. We can always rethread later with another pattern if the spirit moves us!
As so often happens, we were greeted this morning with a donation left on the tables. This one was from a former weaver here at the Center, and the large cones of thread will be put to good use.
Eiko is almost to the end of her first warp! After hemstitching, she'll be ready to cut off her first project!
Maggie has assured us that Leo is doing very well, and she's back to thread her napkins.
Lanny just keeps weaving away on his scarf warp....simply beautiful colors!
Here's a glimpse of Ann's log cabin rug.....and Carl's rug is visible in the background.
And, we had visitors today. This lovely couple was from Denmark. They had a lot of questions and were very interested in what we were doing. We overheard her telling her husband that she would like a loom for Christmas!!! Ms. Trudy enjoyed talking with them about what we do on Tuesdays.
In fact, our new friend went upstairs to purchase some woven items.....then wanted to meet the weaver. It just so happens that the placemats were woven by Carl!!!
The towel she selected was woven by Bonnie...I'm so sorry she couldn't be here today to meet them.
Ms. Ila finished up her first scarf on this warp without her glasses!!!! Just the hemstitching required "readers."
Roz finished winding her new warp, and got it on the loom before we had to leave for the day. Now she'll spend some time threading the heddles for her next project.
Carl brought his newest tapestry that he has finished....what a treat!
....and speaking of treats, Eiko is bringing egg rolls next week. We'll provide the side dishes and dessert! Sounds like a great idea to me!!!!
And, so it continues.....weaving and sharing our lives.
Happy Weaving!
Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
Sorry that I had to leave so early. Sounds like a fun day.
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