Here is the fabric. It is light weight cotton. It came from the never ending stash at the center. Using the finger to nose method I think I have 7 yards of it. It is 46" wide. If I cut it in 3" strips (which is what I was planning) I will have 15 strips or about 105 yards of fabric. If I cut it in 4" strips which the cheat sheet on the wall at the center tells me to do I will have about 77 yards of fabric strips. Of course the 4" strips would make a little fatter weft and my number of picks per foot would be less. "Picks per foot" sounds funny but that is a better way to look at rugs.

Here is the last rug that I wove on this warp. It is a combination of a pale silvery blue and white nylon. Yes - just like that stuff I shlepped on Tuesday from one part of the annex to the other. I have woven 5 nylon rugs on this warp. The others have been solid. All of the rugs have been variations of baby pink, baby blue and white. Anyone need a rug for a baby gift? How about a rug for a bathroom at a beach house?
I best get a few more things done this afternoon so that I can get my strips cut and my rug woven. Then the warp gets cut and it is time for more math - how long should that next warp be? how many ends? Yes, weaving is a lot more than throwing the shuttle.
Be well,
I like the way 3 inch strips beat in on rugs...and I'm sure there is something in the stash that would give you a few more inches for your rug. In the meantime, what will be your next warp????
You got that right.
I always do 2" strips, but I may try 3" sometime and see how I like it. If you are close to the end of your warp and don't need the full width, just drop two inches from each side and weave at 42" wide. Good luck..... I hate math!!!!
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