I had finished this throw and the Navy one on Wednesday. The Navy one was without any errors at all, so it went directly to the washer once it was hemmed. The Red one however had several treadling errors, by that I mean lots!

The back of the throw is supposed to look like the first picture. Half of the throw was perfect, but the other half was riddled with errors like you see to the left.
There were even some that looked like this! What that means is that I have to needle weave to correct these errors. I also have to swear to pay more attention when I am weaving.
This is what needle weaving looks like. I believe, no, I know that it would have been faster to just weave another one. It would have been easier on my hands too!
I am waiting anxiously for this precious fabric to come out of the wash because Red is notorious for bleeding. I had done the color study with good results, but then I had had terrible results with the copper! I had chosen to do just plain water for the first wash, and I had forgotten the color catcher. It began to bleed, and bleed some more.
I finally called the Woolery today, for words of wisdom on how to prevent this problem in the future, like today for instance! I was told by the nicest lady, that I need to use 3 cups of salt per pound of fabric.
The throw weighed just under 2 lbs, so I went with 6 cups. That is 2 1/2 cartons of salt!
So I am waiting, I will post a pic when it comes out of the dryer, good or bad.
While I would say that it came out pretty good, it is not perfect. There are a few faint tinges of pink in some of the natural. If I try again, I will treat the red with salt before weaving. It is not horrible, but I wouldn't try to sell it.
Until next time, Happy Weaving, Tina
Gee....maybe you should plan a trip to the beach? Lots of salt water there....and then it would be a business expense!!!
What a nice pattern!
Love the trip to the beach idea! And I am SO impressed with you needle-weaving the mistakes. What a professional! What do you do with the ones that aren't perfect enough to sell? Medical Teams International sponsors a number of orphanages in cold countries, and the kids would be thrilled to have something wooly and hand woven to sleep under.
Or you could overdye it. Say with a different shade of red? Or navy. Navy cures most color problems.
Roxie, so far my Daughter has taken a couple, but I am thinking about trying an overdye with the copper baby blanket.
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