First of all, here's Linda today. She may be moving to another facility in the next day or so. Doesn't she look great? I am amazed at how well she is doing. Tina and LouAnn went by to see her today. I'm glad that they live close enough to be able to see how she is doing every day or so. We'll let you know when she moves to another facility!!

So last Tuesday Linda mentioned that R & M Yarn had some new fabric strips that were $2 a lb. Well, we got talking. Turned out that Sharen hadn't ever been there and we really had to see those strips. Plus it was Linda's last hurrah before surgery! So on Thursday four of us went on a road trip down to Cleveland. We didn't do so badly. LouAnn found some yarn she just had to have! I like that variegated blue. She's going to have fun working with that.

Sharen was overwhelmed, as we all are when we first get into a fiber shop. She did pretty well herself. She was restrained but got a huge, huge cone of mop cotton. That's going to go much more quickly than she thinks but she'll have fun weaving with it.

Linda was having a nice chat with Phyllis who owns R & M yarn. Linda did get the last bag of red strips in the 2 lb bag. I'm hoping they order more of these strips so I can get some red down the road once I weave what I have.

So here is a fairly big stash. However, it's not all mine. Several years ago when they still were in their old location we bought some wool rug warp. We've been weaving it up at the center and it looks great. So we've run out of some of the colors we had and Linda had checked for us every time she came by the shop here but they hadn't had any. Now they did. We got 3 big cones of navy and 2 of grape for the weaving dept. I can just see that grape warp with denim weft. Or, a combination of the grape and navy and some denimy weft or........see why we had to buy those cones? I found some variegated yarn to play with and then got some of those fabric strips. I've got a loom that's ready for some placemats. Once I get my production warps done I can play a bit more.
We really had a fun trip. After shopping we had to go for lunch before heading back to Knoxville. We'll do this all over again in fall when we see something new on their website or just need a get away again!
So what's happening at my place. Still spending alot of time on the road to physical therapy and appointments. However, I am weaving on my nilus whenever I can. I'll have pictures next week. Oh yeah, a few days ago we had water coming down from the attic at the doorway to our DD's bedroom. Our furnace for that level is in the attic. So we turned that off. Then later that evening found that the main floor air conditioning wasn't working........the heat and air guys just left. The good news is that our upstairs unit is working again and we'll have cool air up there. The bad news is that the motor on the unit for our main floor and basement is fried. They have to order a new motor. We won't have air conditioning until probably next Tuesday. We've had hot weather the last week or so but today we had cooler weather which was great for those guys getting into the attic to check the system. I don't think we will have cool weather for the next week. Guess we'll be digging out all the fans. My studio is in the basement and it's cooler down there so I'll keep weaving as I can.
We had such a great trip down to R&M Yarns. There's always a cone of something that will catch your eye!!! Linda continues making progress!! Yeah!!!!
I am sorry I couldn't make the trip on Thursday. Not that I needed anything! It is just that the road trip is so much fun, lets try not to go on thursday next time, ok!
So that means Carol, that you are forced to be downstairs where it is cool! Great! Hope you get your production warps off soon.
I'm with Tina! It'd be nice if road trips were on days more of us could go! Having to work for a living--and to pay for yarn--gets in the way of fun things!
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