Today would have been our first 5th Tuesday pot luck lunch....if only we could be together! But, we are practicing social distancing to keep each other safe! That doesn't mean we haven't been in contact....oh, NO! The emails and text have been flying like crazy!
So, let me catch you up with the Tuesday Weavers!!!!
Carol is recovering from knee surgery and moving her daughter into her new condo! When she's not moving boxes, she's been cutting t-shirts into strips for more rugs. We all need a supervisor, Carol!!!!
This is Marie's new towel pattern: 8/2 cotton warp with handspun indigo cotton weft. LOVE that pattern!

Not weaving, but, doesn't that look yummy! Hey, Jocelyn! There's no better way to bake cornbread than in an iron skillet! She has posted some of her paintings on Facebook, so I know she's staying busy.
Linda is weaving a table runner in the Butterflies In Clover pattern from Handwoven. She texted me a little while ago that she's warping her Inkle loom....she's a busy lady!

Bonnie attended the cobweb broom class earlier in the month. These are her two brooms ready for spring cleaning!!!
Sorry, Betsy! I can't get this picture turned the right way! But, you can see all the placemats that she hemmed from the warp she wove at the Center.

Sharon has been very, very busy!

These are her towel warps.

AND, she did a little indigo dyeing, too!!!!

Tina has been spinning and knitting! That crocodile scarf is just too cute!
-Patty has been making masks....and she's ready to return to her little corner of the Studio.
-Liz wants some more 8/4!
-Marilyn has reorganized her shelves in her loom room and weaving with her granddaughter.
-Me? I've been going through my fabric stash and washing up some for possible projects. I just got a subscription to Heddlecraft, and I have been working my way through the issues.
Our next 5th Tuesday Pot Luck is June 30th. I am looking forward to that already.
Happy Weaving.....and stay safe!
I saw this on Facebook, and it sums up how I feel right now.