We do a lot of that:
Playing It Forward that is.
It seems that a lot of warps were cut off about the same time, and then there was the return of Bertha.
And, of course, that means that a lot of new warps are going on looms at the Center.
Last week we wound on Bonnie and Ann's warps. This week, we started with Big Bertha.
After lunch, we got busy with Carl's warp on the big barn loom. We didn't get it all wound on....it's a LONG warp! (I should explain that this is a mystery warp...no one knows who wound it OR how long it has been there!) But, it's time it got used!!!
Also, there was a group helping Ms. Ila get her Pup's warp wound on...I didn't get a picture of that!!!! All those fine threads were handled nicely by that group of ladies!
I missed this picture last week, but I did snap it today since Carl had a few more heddles to thread before we wound on. YES.....Carl sits inside the loom to thread!!!!

Ann added heddles to her harnesses for her KY Log Cabin rugs while the other weavers got busy on their looms. Shirley, Roz and Judy got a lot done today. Carol went through a donation of fabric that was left on the table (that happens a lot!)
Those strips went right into Bonnie's warp after she joined them at the sewing machine.
Pat has taken up residence at "B" to work on the place mat warp. And, even after building the porch this weekend at the weaver's door of the annex, Allan found time today to weave on the bread cloth warp. (The porch is super nice.....pictures next week!)
A big thank you to LaDonna for the yummy cupcakes she brought today....no picture, only crumbs left over!!!!
Never a dull moment on Tuesdays!!!!
Happy Weaving!
Playing It Forward that is.
It seems that a lot of warps were cut off about the same time, and then there was the return of Bertha.
And, of course, that means that a lot of new warps are going on looms at the Center.
Last week we wound on Bonnie and Ann's warps. This week, we started with Big Bertha.
After lunch, we got busy with Carl's warp on the big barn loom. We didn't get it all wound on....it's a LONG warp! (I should explain that this is a mystery warp...no one knows who wound it OR how long it has been there!) But, it's time it got used!!!
Also, there was a group helping Ms. Ila get her Pup's warp wound on...I didn't get a picture of that!!!! All those fine threads were handled nicely by that group of ladies!
I missed this picture last week, but I did snap it today since Carl had a few more heddles to thread before we wound on. YES.....Carl sits inside the loom to thread!!!!
Bonnie cut fabric strips for her warp while catching up with Ms. Trudy.
Ann added heddles to her harnesses for her KY Log Cabin rugs while the other weavers got busy on their looms. Shirley, Roz and Judy got a lot done today. Carol went through a donation of fabric that was left on the table (that happens a lot!)
Those strips went right into Bonnie's warp after she joined them at the sewing machine.
Linda, Lanny and Andy just kept on weaving with all the commotion going on around them!!!!
(Yes, that's Maggie and Tina winding on the napkin warp in the background!)
A big thank you to LaDonna for the yummy cupcakes she brought today....no picture, only crumbs left over!!!!
Never a dull moment on Tuesdays!!!!
Happy Weaving!
Don't forget the strawberries. I am not sure who brought them. They were yummie. It was also like a sauna there today. I looked at the thermostat when I left and it said 78. You know it is hot when Ms Ila strips down to a sleeveless top. A busy day.
We may have taken care of the last naked loom today! Now we can get some weaving done!
I really enjoy seeing all the familiar, and new, faces at the Tuesday Weavers. Your projects are incredible and it's fun to watch the progress from here in Huntsville.
Hugs to all.
Joyce (LA'a sister)
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