Problem Solving: those words came up a lot today.
Bonnie pulled the colors for the commissioned piece, and started looking at fabric that would look nice with the colors. Carol has such a good eye for color, and Trudy was there to offer advice, also.
Then Christy needed help getting the swift going...Bonnie was there to lend a hand.
While Tina is out of town, Allan thought he would work on the warp of Ellen's place mats. The first one had already been hemstitched, so he was off and running. The towel warp can wait until Tina can give it some TLC. No problem here.
Judy and Jinx had some problem solving to do, too! Long story....but lots of options were offered. Needless to say, everything turned out just fine.
Carl stayed busy at the barn loom....lots of warp still left, I think. No problem there!!!!
Linda went on a hunt for weft for the place mat warp. She tried out several different options. And LaDonna got a chance to work on the triangle loom...that shawl is coming right along.
LaDonna made zucchini cupcakes with caramel icing for the group...YUM! They were a big hit.
So, the shafts, beater bar, treadles and bench are back. And, if it doesn't rain next week, we'll go get the big pieces to bring back to the Center. Cross your fingers for good weather!
Ann got to the end of her warp this afternoon. We always love to cut off a warp!
There were four rugs on this warp, and she had cut off four rugs previously.
Lanny came by this afternoon with the Jagger order! I heard lots of oohs and ahhs!!!!!
Next Tuesday we have a speaker from the Small Business Administration coming to talk to us about tips for small businesses. We're also having a Potluck Lunch!!! Hummmmm.....I've got to decide what to make!
In the meantime,
Happy Weaving!
What a busy day. Everybody had their own thing going on. I did get that warp wound.
I keep promising I'll be there, and then not showing! This time, I was getting my teeth cleaned. I have to come next week to get my yarn from Lanny, don't I?
Good job, everyone! Yay, Ann!
I wish we have a weaving place like you do - I know where I'd be spending a lot of my spare time. Surrounded by the clacking of working looms, color, yarns, fabric and friends. Sounds like heaven to me!
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