You'd never know these ladies just went to the Woolery and bought new yarn! Oh, no! They were all over this assortment of yarn that came from Barbara's stash! Barbara is a local weaver that is now weaving mainly tapestry. She's been clearing out her stash of yarn and books, and the Tuesday Weavers stepped up to the plate. There were plenty of happy weavers this morning!
The looms were back in business as the weavers moved to their spots. Ms. Ila is winding a new warp to be dyed at the end of the month....I bet it just might be another shawl (or two!)
Jocelyn is making steady progress on her placemat warp.
That's Marie at the Macomber.....she was busy sleying the reed. As soon as she gets tied on the front beam, she'll be off and weaving!
Linda and Sharon were just to the right of Marie. (It's too bad I can't stitch these two pictures together!) There are so many conversations going on in the Studio!!!
Betsy was back with us today....without her arm sling!!!! She's weaving on her little Inkle loom right now.
Frieda is making great progress with the scarf warp.

Carl is just about finished with this rug (flannel plaid.) Pat cut strips for the next rug today. It's a mixture of several plaids and solid red. I can't wait to see it on the loom.

Remember the warp that Tina wound on the little Macomber??? Karin was busy today getting it threaded in the 8 harness rosepath. Those are going to be such fun towels!!!

Polly and Irene finished up their first warps today!!!!!
Wonder what they will weave next???
Parting shot: wonder what they are up to????
I'm sure they weren't checking Power Ball tickets!
Happy Weaving!
The looms were back in business as the weavers moved to their spots. Ms. Ila is winding a new warp to be dyed at the end of the month....I bet it just might be another shawl (or two!)
Jocelyn is making steady progress on her placemat warp.
That's Marie at the Macomber.....she was busy sleying the reed. As soon as she gets tied on the front beam, she'll be off and weaving!
Linda and Sharon were just to the right of Marie. (It's too bad I can't stitch these two pictures together!) There are so many conversations going on in the Studio!!!
Betsy was back with us today....without her arm sling!!!! She's weaving on her little Inkle loom right now.
Frieda is making great progress with the scarf warp.
Carl is just about finished with this rug (flannel plaid.) Pat cut strips for the next rug today. It's a mixture of several plaids and solid red. I can't wait to see it on the loom.
Remember the warp that Tina wound on the little Macomber??? Karin was busy today getting it threaded in the 8 harness rosepath. Those are going to be such fun towels!!!
Polly and Irene finished up their first warps today!!!!!
Wonder what they will weave next???
Parting shot: wonder what they are up to????
I'm sure they weren't checking Power Ball tickets!
Happy Weaving!
I just finished putting 4 shaft rose path on Nora Macomber! Wondering if you guys have any of the little Harrisville 22" T6's? I would love to grab one used at some point for just prayer flags....or maybe a Dorset or Purrington.
How thoughtful of your friend to give you the yarns she isn't going to use instead of waiting for them to be sold when she has no say-so. And lucky you!
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