There was no calm before this storm......we walked into lots and lots of activity and precious little space to weave today. BUT, we are not complaining! The new kitchen area is taking shape, and we just try to stay out of the way.
The old counter is now gone, as are the cabinets in this picture. The new flooring will go down before they start installing the new cabinets.
And this was Cayce's first day with the Tuesday Weavers!!! Carol didn't miss a beat as she got Cayce off and running......winding her very first warp.
Michelle was back with us today, too. I guess we didn't scare her too badly!
Then, we got the word....they were finished with what they had to out rolled the Pups, and our Ladies got to work!
Marie is tied on and ready to start sampling. There seems to be a crossed thread right smack dab in the middle, though!!! You know she'll get it fixed!
Sharon is still working on her clasped weft wool rug...those colors just zig and zag across the surface.
Jocelyn winds several bobbins at a time...but she sure does weave them up quickly!!!!
Linda is making some headway with the walker looks like several are wound up on the cloth beam.
Polly helped out by adding heddles for one of the looms (my personal least favorite job!) Betsy has been playing with some of her new threads and made a sample to see how they would feel for scarves.
Tina spent the morning helping me get the new warp on Big Bertha. It's ready for me to start threading next week AFTER I add heddles to shafts 5-8! Oh Boy!!!!!
Remember the strips that Pat cut last week??? Here they are in Carl's new rug! Those plaids and the red fabric are playing very nicely in this rug.
Who knows what we'll walk into next's always an adventure!
They are calling for snow during the night, and the local schools are already closing. That means the Center will be closed tomorrow! I'm just glad we had today.
Happy Weaving!
Carls rug in red flannel is scrumptious!
I second Tina's comment. LOVE the red rug. Stay snug and enjoy the white wonderland tomorrow morning!
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