Taxes are DONE!!!
Now I get to start on this year's taxes!!! But, all in all, everything turned out very well.
If you look closely you'll see the little broccoli bud starting to form. I'm looking forward to having fresh broccoli in the near future!

And, I have a little surprise growing in the bales beside the broccoli--interesting fungi!

I'm not up on my fungi identification, so I'll just let them grow and NOT use them for cooking!!!

The lettuce is doing very well, also.
I'm really looking forward to planting the beans, corn and okra after the 15th. I need to start looking for some tomato plants....there is a BLT in my future!!!

And, now that Lent is over, I can enjoy my new tractor seat at the loom. (I gave up buying weaving stuff for Lent....this got ordered on Monday!!!) I really meant to get this one instead of the white adjustable stool last year....just had one of those senior moments. This one fits my derriere much nicer! I thought racing red might just inspire me......
I think I'll go weave for a bit...they are calling for storms here tonight. We'll see if we can get a rhythm going.
Happy Weaving!
Now I get to start on this year's taxes!!! But, all in all, everything turned out very well.
If you look closely you'll see the little broccoli bud starting to form. I'm looking forward to having fresh broccoli in the near future!
And, I have a little surprise growing in the bales beside the broccoli--interesting fungi!
I'm not up on my fungi identification, so I'll just let them grow and NOT use them for cooking!!!
The lettuce is doing very well, also.
I'm really looking forward to planting the beans, corn and okra after the 15th. I need to start looking for some tomato plants....there is a BLT in my future!!!
And, now that Lent is over, I can enjoy my new tractor seat at the loom. (I gave up buying weaving stuff for Lent....this got ordered on Monday!!!) I really meant to get this one instead of the white adjustable stool last year....just had one of those senior moments. This one fits my derriere much nicer! I thought racing red might just inspire me......
I think I'll go weave for a bit...they are calling for storms here tonight. We'll see if we can get a rhythm going.
Happy Weaving!
Looks pretty cute in that racing red. Nice fit in front of the Pup. I gave up the white cheddar Cheetos. I have not bothered to pick up the addiction again...yet.
A few years ago it was candy and that one has proven to be quite easy.
Happy weaving and garden planning.
I love your new stool, I'll have go come try it out! My mind is turning towards the garden too, though we mostly do tomatoes.
I love my tractor seat! I did have to take the wheels off of it though, when lifting several shafts on my 8 harness it would roll away from the loom. Maybe it will behave for the pup. Enjoy
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