Carl finished the last flannel rug, and it was time to cut that warp off of the loom.
We rolled them out on the floor...all seven rugs in their glory!!!
Sharon has already laid claim to the blue jean rug!!!!
Next week we will get the fringes tied, and they will go upstairs to the shop....and, you guessed it....wind another warp to go on the old barn loom!!!!
Today was also Crepe Day! Polly's hens have been very happy lately, so she brought the fixings to make crepes for the Tuesday Weavers. She brought homemade lemon curd and strawberry-rhubarb sauce, also! There wasn't even a crumb left after lunch!!!! Thank you, Polly, for such a tasty treat.
Welcome back to Darlene, Christy and Barb. It's been a little while since we have seen them. I'm sure Betsy has some catching up to do.
Darlene did tell us that she visited WEBS while she was in the northeast....lucky lady!!!!
We were so glad that Molly could be with us today, too! She brought in her stack of hand towels.... just get them tagged and up to the shop they go!!!!
Irene got busy helping Carol out this morning. We've had so many new students that Carol was getting low on her handouts. Irene volunteered to put the packets together....thank you!!!!
Meanwhile, Pat sat down to help Jocelyn with the sewing machine. Jocelyn had all those placemats that were ready to be hemmed--she had them turned up and basted....they just needed to be stitched!
Bonnie and Ms. Ila are spreading a rumor that Shirley is the noisy lady on the back row...and she wasn't there to depend herself!!!! ( was a wee bit quieter back there today.)
Linda brought her finished rug to share time was over 100 inches long....her son is going to love it!
Sharon joined us after her book club meeting, and there was lots of catching up to do. As you can see, Betsy is multi-tasking....chatting and weaving!!!!
Darlene thought we needed a picture to prove that I DO weave (or thread as the case may be.) Here it is!!!
Another lovely day at weaving!
Happy Weaving!
1 comment:
I got exhausted just reading that, but then of course, the thought of crepes perked me right up. ;)
Love that red variegated rug in the fore ground myself. What a spectacular run of them!
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