Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Colors on all the looms

I was looking around at the looms today during lunch when the weavers are taking a break and I noticed how much color is in the room!
Roz and her granddaughter Brooke are working their way through the curriculum. I love the eggplant weft that is meeting the lime warp for the first time Roz!
Shirley is threading that yummy warp, Susan is looking up hemstitching to refresh her memory and Linda is making great progress on her warp. Marilyn is photo bombing in a couple of these, but I didn't get a picture of her warp today.
Betsy is getting her warp on the loom today. This has proved to be a sticky 8/2 warp and it took Marie and Patty to help the project along! By the end of the day it was all on the back beam! While all of this was going on this morning, the final three warps from dye day were getting rinsed some more! Today it was Kris and Karin to the rinsing party! Thought I didn't get their pictures, sorry girls!
Now for Show and Tell! Shannon warned us that if we want to get a new pin loom from the original maker we need to act fast because they are going out of business. Linda made some really pretty "Cocktail Coasters" that she saw in Handwoven recently, and Patty has brought in a new twisty shawl, this time she used double thread in the warp and a wool single as the weft.
That is it for today friends, next week we will be up to more colorful fun! Until then this is Tina, for all!

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