Tuesday, September 22, 2020

That's What Friends Are For

  Friends come up with great ideas, and get others excited about them, too!

  Margi has been taking scraps of handwoven fabric to make stockings for the shop.  She inspired Laura to make some, also!  Too bad we won't be doing a Fall show this year, but these will go upstairs in the shop, and also on the on-line shop.

Go ahead...ask Jocelyn about what color her warp will be!!!  You can't tell (or maybe you can) that she is laughing under that mask!

  Patty is getting ready to load the black thread on the holder...she'll be weaving some black on black placemats.

Linda's back in the BOOT again!  All that walking during COVID has aggravated her foot! Treadling is going to get interesting!

Time out for Bonnie!  Sometimes you just need to stop and look at the pretty patterns!  But, be sure to ask her about her new sewing machine!

Time for Betsy to pay up!  Marie is always glad to take the money!  (Later, Marie and I did inventory in the shop:  we logged over 300 woven items upstairs!  Those items will be getting their own special bar code soon!)

  Remember that towel warp that Betsy has been working on?  She has started the weaving!

We have TWO!  Liz and Liz are winding warps this morning.  A scarf and placemats will soon be on their looms.

  With Marilyn and Lou Ann, you can never be too sure as to what's up with them!

Yes....those are pieces of a squirrel cage swift that was donated to the weavers!


  What would we do without our therapy dog???  Thank goodness Angela came after lunch.  Miska had to make the rounds and get lovin' from all the weavers!

Ah, yes....that's what friends are for!  They help you get your warp on your loom.  Liz is ready to thread her warp!

Love those fiber friends!!!!

Stay safe....wear those masks!!!

Happy Weaving!


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