Saturday, September 12, 2015

Mostly Pictures!

Too tired to say much tonight!  We had a great "Days of the Pioneers" at the Museum of Appalachia, in Norris TN.  Lou Ann manned the Rocker Beater Loom in the loom house, and I sat and spun wool and flax on the porch of the Peter's Cabin.

 This is the first time I have used the little red Mayville wheel for flax.  I realized last weekend that unlike a lot of my old wheels this one loves to spin in the counter clockwise direction, which is wonderful for spinning flax!  I brought the freestanding distaff for it's Museum debut, it performed wonderfully!

There were many antique dealers on hand plying their wares.  There was furniture and all sorts of tools, and old wooden bowls in all sorts of sizes.  But I was looking for textile goodies, and I found some!


Hackles galore!

two sizes on this one
this one has a cover

Then there were the coverlets!

Old clothes, take a peek at those baby socks! 

linen shift

baby socks

skein winder

Finally a sampling of the fiber tools I saw.

broken down table loom

bobbin winder
There was a really old bobbin winder and super old sitting great wheel.  Plus I saw a couple of tow distaffs earlier in the day that I did not get pictures of.

I am tired as tired can be, but I wanted to share the fun!

The next big event at the Museum is the Homecoming in early mid October.  Ya'll Come!

Until next time, happy crafting, Tina


  1. The broken down table loom looks to be a Peacock Loom made by Handicrafters in Waupun, WI in the 1920's and 1930's. You can Goggle and even find a manual online. I have one and I use it for elementary school weaving demonstrations. The kids love it! I have found several for sale on Ebay going for $20-80 depending on the condition. If you need more information, email me at or find me on my blog
    I love reading about the Tuesday Weavers, I live in Arizona but I'm from Kentucky and plan on a visit to your place next year.

  2. We would love to have a good visit with you! Alas, I did not save the baby loom, as I am in a downsizing trend. I know, I can't believe it either!
