I've been collecting old jeans for quite awhile now. Not only the blue ones, but black ones, too. Knew they'd come in handy sometime. So I cut them apart and used my cutter to make strips. I know. Carl cuts them in big sections, sews them together end on end and then cuts the strips. I like to just cut the strips using the whole section of jeans, no waste. So some strips are just 5 inches long. Makes for a fun conglomeration of strips.
Then it's time to sew the strips together. I chain sew them in long strips. My only rule is that I try not to have 2 of the identical strips next to each other. That doesn't always work but it adds variety to the rug.
After weaving them, you can see from the rugs rolling onto my cloth beam that they are interesting.
I ended up with 5 rugs. Friday they went to a shop, along with several other rugs. Here's hoping they will find a good home!
So what's next? Time for my regular production. A warp is on the loom, ready for me to weave.
The weather here is gorgeous. Fall is around the corner. Leaves are starting to fall and there's a crispness in the air. I know. We'll have more hot weather this week, but it's nice to know that we should be able to turn offs he air conditioning soon!
Until next week, keep weaving!!
Blue jean rugs are so much fun to make....and they look amazing! Now, back to your regular weaving!!! LOL