Thursday, April 23, 2015

Who Said The *F* Word????


  Were you thinking something else????

  My little beans are just getting their second set of leaves, and now the weather forecast for in the morning is chance of FROST!  
  And....the poinsettias have been outside for a week with their new haircut....guess they will need to slide back inside for tonight.  I already pulled in the prayer plant off the really does not like cool weather!
  Just so you'll know, I decided to grow my beans in the large pots this year because the rabbits always nibble them.  I did have trouble with the squirrels digging in the pots after I planted the seeds, but they seem to be doing fine now.....or until tonight, that is.

  That also means that Karin, Tina and I might be a little chilly in the morning at the Museum!!!
  Yes, it's Sheep Shearing Day at the Museum of Appalachia.  They are expecting around 1,000 people!  Along with the great demonstrators (that's us!) there is also sheep herding with a talented border collie, Kelso.  The sawmill will be running, and the blacksmith will be on duty, too.
  I need to find my fingerless mitts......

Oh well, that's Spring for you!  

Think warm thoughts for us tomorrow.



  1. Thinking warm thoughts for you for tomorrow. Here in KY, we woke up to 39 degrees and frost. My weather get to your area the next day. Good luck. The sheep are going to be cold.

  2. Yeah, maybe they could let the sheep wear their little coats a little longer?
