Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A Day To Remember

  It's always nice to remember birthdays:  Happy Day to Shirley and Linda!!!!
  Linda brought a cake to share with the Weavers, and Roz made her famous "Joe Froggie" cookies--just in time for Shirley's birthday this week.

(I bet you think that all we do around here is eat!!!!)

  It was also a day to remember two weavers who were members of the Appalachian Arts Craft Center.  And, I found out that Ralph donated the barn loom that is upstairs in the shop to the Center many years ago.  (That's the one I wove on during the open studio days for the Dogwood Arts Festival!)

   The Weavers joined in to help unload the truck with the items from their estate.  The plaque above was mounted on the 48" Leclerc that we are keeping for the studio.  The other items were part of the silent auction for the weavers.  I know that this equipment will be put to good use!!!

  Carl and Becky got a chance to share some memories of Dorothy and Ralph. 

  Earlier in the day, Marie and Tina pulled out the tool bag, and installed a shed regulator on the little counter-balance Leclerc.  They wanted to get that done before we loaded the new warp on it.  That means a new warp next week!!!

   Meanwhile, out in the Annex, the yarn is getting sorted and put into see-through tubs.  It might have been blowing rain OR it could be we have a leak, but we had some water damage in our little storage area.  I'm sure Allan will take charge of this for us!

  There are always warps to be wound!  Betsy told me she had to get her stoles wound so they could get woven in time for a special occasion.  Harriet is just getting busy on her next project!

  There's always time to just share a good laugh!!!!


And, some folks just use their time wisely!

  I guess that's why Lanny came to the end of this warp today!

I don't know how many towels.....but, he did two of each color!!!!  We'll find out next week just how many were on the cloth beam!

  Marie got a chance to thread a little on her napkin warp this afternoon.  I can't wait to see them when she starts weaving!
  Until next week, remember all the good times!!!!
Happy Weaving!

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful gifts, those kept and those passed along. I would love to see some pics of the shed regulator and how it works. I have a CB loom and have always wondered if it would be worth it to install one or just use one of the other non-CB looms.
    Cake and cookies, yum! Do we get a froggie cookie recipe maybe?
