Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Signing Off

I have enjoyed being a Tuesday Weaver for the last 9 years.  I've loved sharing my life with our  blog readers when I have time and can remember to do so.  But I haven't really been a Tuesday Weaver for almost a year, and though I've tried to find someone to take my place here on Wednesdays, I've been unsuccessful.
  And so, dear friends and readers, I bid you adieu!  I hope someone else will take my place and write about their weaving and life adventures, to round out those posts by LouAnn, Tina and Carol.  I will be blogging from my own blog,, and I'm hoping I will be able to blog more often.  Changes are in the offing, and I'll be excited to share them with you there as they occur.
  In the meantime, keep weaving, spinning, knitting, dreaming of fiber's possibilities and how you can share them with your friends.



  1. Maggie, And we have enjoyed your TW posts and you will be missed. You could make a guest appearance once in a while I bet. ;)

  2. Once a TW....always a TW, right??? Can't wait to hear your news.

  3. I will make sure to follow your progress on your blog, be sure to stop by once in awhile!

  4. You will be truly missed. I enjoy this blog so much. I hope someone will step up and take over. You have certainly lead the way.
