Thursday, July 31, 2014

Is It Still Thursday?

Sheeeesh.....I'm screeching in right under the wire!  I've been out of town for the funeral of a family member.  But, I've fed the cats and opened a lovely adult beverage, and now I sit down to type.

So...what's new?

  I was asked to make a donation for our church auction to be held in September.  This is the rug I wove at the Museum on 4 July during the Anvil Shoot.  It's 24" X 48" of recycled blue jeans.  I twisted the fringes yesterday while I listened to Written In My Heart's Own Blood.  All in all, I think it's a dandy item for the auction!  (Just a note:  I don't think I'll be able to look at a blue jean rug from now on without thinking of the Revolutionary War!!!!)

  I have 18" woven on the new rug at the Museum, and I've got two of my shuttles loaded up to take in the morning.   There's a nice size ball of additional denim to possibly finish a rug tomorrow.  It's a peaceful place to weave.

  It's hard to believe that tomorrow is the first day of August!  July has flown past in record speed!  It's those deadlines I see in the near future that has me a little concerned...lots of great events on the horizon.

Enjoy your weekend!
Happy Weaving!


  1. Oh, I've been there, sister! Lay down for sleep, and say, "@#$&*#!!! I forgot to blog!"
