Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What Happens When the Weavers Leave?

All of us Tuesday Weavers have fantasized at one time or another about having the whole room to ourselves.  It's wonderful being part of such an amazing group, so good to connect with fiber-minded people who "get it."
  But we all think secretly about being in the Center after hours, weaving to our hearts' content without all the chaos and hubbub and distractions.  Two of us stayed behind to do just that yesterday.  Ann worked out the rest of the bugs of her naughty, knotty warp, and then found a box, As If From Heaven!, on the floor next to her loom.  It was full of curtain fabric that would look fantastic on her current rug warp, a break from the burlap rugs she's been weaving.  Which, by the way, are gorgeous, if not soft and plush.
  She was sewing these pieces into a cut-able tube to have some lovely weft when I left.
  Why did I leave when it was peaceful and quiet and conducive to getting lots of work done?  Well, because Bertha had worn me out, but not before I finished all 18 repeats and began the blooming leaf to finish coverlet number 3.

Have I mentioned how much I love this warp?  So, so beautiful!

Speaking of beautiful, some of you know that my mother's 80th birthday is zooming up on us, and I've been going through old pictures of her.  Check this one out.  It is my absolute favorite photo of my mother. Here she is, out in the middle of the desert, on a picnic that she cooked and packed by herself, yet she looks cool and stylish and elegant.  Her daughter looks like she's been whining, but Mom looks amazing!
  I hope your week is amazing, too.  Happy weaving!


  1. I thought that little girl was squinting at the bright desert sun! I love those sandals, by the way!!! And, yes....I've been there after hours, and it is soooooo different!

  2. What a wonderful picture of your mother. Yes, after hours at the center can be productive quite.
