Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Welcome To The Weavers Of The Cumberland

With the Fall Homecoming in the books, we are back to the weaving at hand.  Today we were honored to have the Weavers of the Cumberland visiting our studio.  They are just over in Middle Tennessee, and they meet once a month at their local library.
  They spent the morning talking to the weavers about the projects on the looms.  Sallie, Joy, Alice, Wynnell, Susan, Vickie and Wilma had a look at all the projects on the looms around the studio.

You always learn so much from other weavers.

  They also brought (or wore) some items to show us their weaving.  Here is Sallie showing us her beautiful double weave jacket.

  And, just look at this beautiful wrap!!!!

And, then there is always the time needed to catch up with each other!

All of this conversation was fed by a scrumptious potluck luncheon!  This is just two of the desserts........

Take a look at this video taken just as lunch was winding down:

  I think that a good time was had by all! 
Happy Weaving!


  1. Okay, I'm officially salivating. Both at that wrap and the desserts.
    What fun!

  2. Your chocolate cake, front and center! It was delicious, I admit!
