The yarn order arrived at Carol's house yesterday...just in time to come to Weaving today! After sorting out the individual orders, the 8/4 carpet warp for use at the Center needed to be put away on the shelves.
And, no day is complete without show & tell! Pat had pictures of her newest grandson, Oliver. Too cute! Tina brought her Hollywood rugs that are woven with tee shirts. Of course, that started a mad scramble to Meany and Pfaff's Rag Rug Handbook for the draft.
Now...let's all get busy! Meet Patty....she's checking out the Tuesday Weavers. Meanwhile, the other looms get pulled out of their hidey-holes and the weavers get to work on their projects.
Channel 8 dropped by to interview Carol, and get footage for a piece about weaving. It will air later this month.
(Can you believe it? People are surprised that we get together and weave once a week! You would think we were a secret society!!!!)
We'll post a link to the piece after it airs!
Ann kept going outside...then coming back inside.
When I checked on this activity, I found the picnic table filled with these burlap pieces. This was donated by a former TW, Liz, and Ann is weaving the strips into a rug for her.
Maggie is almost finished fixing the threading error on her coverlet warp.
And, it's time for Kid's Camp....get those table looms ready for the kids! Carol wound these warps last week, and they worked really hard getting them threaded today. This is always a popular activity for the campers.
Tina started setting up the Cambridge loom that was donated to the Center. As soon as the take up lever is repaired, she will be ready to go! Tina already has thread set aside to wind the warp!!!!
Thanks to Maggie, here's my "under the loom" picture!!! This was my first time using the hooks to connect the treadles, and there was a definite learning curve involved!!!! But, the treadles are ready, and I've checked for threading far, so good. But, there was a tension problem, so we will be lashing this warp to the front bar next week.
Always much to share and learn....another typical day at the Center.
Happy Weaving!
I want to know your secret society handshake! :) Another fun and fabulous read from Tuesday Weavers!